by Ruth Liss | Apr 22, 2018 | Uncategorised
The winter of 2018 has seen a problem we haven’t encountered before. Pesky, cute squirrels have dug up our tulip bulbs. We realised this was occurring soon after the bulbs were planted and tried to discourage our fluffy tailed friends, but to no avail. They ate...
by Ruth Liss | Apr 2, 2018 | Uncategorised
The foundations for a new events shed have now been laid. It will house tables and chairs for Sunday teas and other events. Here is the Chairman and his fellow volunteers cleaning up the base and getting ready for the next...
by Ruth Liss | Apr 2, 2018 | Uncategorised
Bulbs and plants are pushing their way through and adding a splash of colour to the spring garden. The rain will be doing wonders for the grass, but we could do with some sunny days now so that we can stroll around and enjoy all that fresh growth. ...