Bedding Plans

Winter Bedding 2014
Planted 26 October 2014
Drawn by Marjorie Wilson
Round bed
1. Myosotis sylvatica, white forget-me-not and Tulip ‘Aladdin’
Palm bed
1. Trachycarpus fortunei
2. Geranium magnificum
3. Hyacinth ‘Jan Bos’
4. Hyacinth ‘Blue Jacket’

Round beds
1. Muscari botryoides ‘Album’
2. Euphorbia polychroma
3. Geranium ‘Rozanne’
4. Tulips; ‘Dordogne’ and ‘Shirley’s Dream’ from previous years, ‘Monte’ mixed new planting.
5. Ligustrum delavayanum (Box leaf Privet)
1. Myosotis silvatica Alba (white forget-me-nots) and Tulip ‘Nightclub’
2. Wallflower Treasure Bronze and Tulip ‘White Bouquet’.
(The fence is to deter the foxes from digging the plants up.)
Wheel bed
1. Buxus sempervirens
2. Ophiopogon japonicus ‘Nippon’
3. Fatsia japonica
4. Narcissus ‘Jamestown’
5. Narcissus ‘Jonquil Britten’