1898 – 1930

Date 1920s
Source Photograph in PGPT archives from Green Family
Mr and Mrs Green are shown posing in the garden (cf PGPT 059) on the steps between the remains of the propagating house (Guide book p.33) on the left and the ‘Window’ (cf PGPT 061) on the right. Cf PGPT096 for the appearance of the window after restoration.
Of the other sculptural decorations shown here, only the gargoyle to the right of Mr Green is presently on display in the garden. It was in fact given back to the PGPT in 2011, after spending many years in gardens owned by a descendant of Mr Green.

Date: unknown
Source: Green family album

Source: Photograph in PGPT archive
The nave was the first part of the building to be finished, in 1894, so this photograph must date after that.This view is of the East end, on the junction of Unthank Rd and Earlham Rd.

Date 1st quarter 20c
Source of original unknown. This image is a postcard (cf PGPT 032)
The gardener’s cottage in The Plantation is described in the 1897 auction particulars*. In the 1860 census one George Woodhouse* and his family were living in the cottage, and he was still Henry Trevor’s head gardener in 1897 when Henry died. He received a legacy (£50) from Henry, and took part in the funeral procession, so he had obviously earned the respect of his employer and the family. The tall chimneys of the cottage can be seen in PGPT002 and 003. The cottage was demolished in the 1960s.

Date 1909
Source Boulton and Paul 1909 catalogue (copy in Norfolk Record Office)
Work began on the restoration of the Carrow House Palm House in 2004 (cf article EDP 13.05.2004, which reproduces a Boulton & Paul drawing of the outside)
Fragments of a Doulton fountain, very similar to the fountain in this photograph, were found on the lawn of the Beeches in the 1980s (), and it appears in 20c. photographs taken in that area (PGPT014 and 046).

Date suggested 1920s.
Source of original unknown.

Date 1920s
Source Photograph in PGPT archive
George Green held the lease of the Plantatation from 1919, when he became Mayor, until his death in 1928. He and Mrs Green played a prominent part in various aspects of Norwich public life, and used the garden as a background for many occasions as can be seen in other photographs. This is one of several photographs of them in various parts of the garden.

Date 1920s
Source Photograph in PGPT archive
The wall in the background is the ‘medieval’ wall (Guide book 2009 p33)

The group is posing in front of the ‘Window’ built by Henry Trevor as a folly in the garden (Guide book 2009 p34). It was found in fragments during the restoration and restored in the 1990s. There are examples in other Victorian gardens of ecclesiastical fragments, taken from churches when they were ‘restored’ being used as rose arches in gardens. An angel sculpture on the right hand support may well have been produced in a funeral mason’s workshop.

Date 1920s
Source Photograph in PGPT archives from Green Family
Of the other sculptural decorations shown here, only the gargoyle to the right of Mr Green is presently on display in the garden. It was in fact given back to the PGPT in 2011, after spending many years in gardens owned by a descendant of Mr Green.

Date 1919/20
Source Photograph in PGPT archive copied from Green family album
Other photographs exist of him and Mrs Green in various parts of the garden (PGPT059,062) and using it to entertain various groups of his staff, ministers, boys’clubs (PGPT060,061,063)

Source: photo in PG archive
Group of Baptist ladies who were organising a fête in PG. This was during the period when George Green () lived in the Plantation. He was a strong supporter of St. Mary’s Baptist Church.
This photo was produced (at a talk given in June 2008) by the child of one of the people shown. She said that the lady in white and black hat in centre of 2nd row was the minister’s wife and the young man in the front row in pale trousers almost in front of her became a minister later.

Date: 1920s
Source: Green family album
The gardens immediately around the house look well-cared for, and formal beds and lawns still exist on the North of the house. Several
climbing plants grow on the walls.
The photograph was taken from an upper path on the East bank of the garden.

Source:family album of the Page family (cf PGPT016)
This photograph was taken by Brian Page, grandson of the John Joseph Gray Page who was the eldest stepson of Henry Trevor. Bettine Page produced it for the PGPT.
This view was taken from the rustic bridge and can be compared with 001. By this time the Palm House has been demolished and its site turned into a rose garden.

Source: Brian Page, grandson of J.J.G.Page produced this view, looking North from the terrace, with his box camera (cf PGPT005)

Source: Green family album

Date 1920s
Source Green family album
These are duplicates of PGPT022

Source: Green family album
George Green liked to use the garden for events during his occupancy, but there is no evidence that he was interested in gardening!

Date unknown, of unknown subjects in the garden.

Date 1919/20
Source Detail from photograph in Green family album
The balustrading and walls of the Italian terrace (Guide book 2009 p37) rise up behind the seated figures. The Gothic alcove (Guide book 2009 p34), covered with ivy, can be seen at the left, and there seem to be the remains of a large curved window (?) abutting the terrace wall in the centre.

Source: see right